How To Find a Safe Online Pharmacy | Patient Safety When Buying Prescription Medication Online

Описание к видео How To Find a Safe Online Pharmacy | Patient Safety When Buying Prescription Medication Online

Learn how to order medication online safely. Peer-reviewed, scientific research demonstrates that verified international online pharmacies that require a valid prescription sell high-quality, lawfully-manufactured medicines. This video will help patients identify the most affordable online pharmacies, without sacrificing their family’s health and safety. SOURCE:


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• How to buy medication online safely
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• How to tell if online pharmacy is legitimate or real
• How to tell if online pharmacy is genuine
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• Ordering prescription medication online in the U.S.
• How to spot a fake online pharmacy
• How to spot a rogue online pharmacy
• How to identify a fake online pharmacy website

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Dr. Patel manages and oversees the PharmacyChecker Verification Program. Dr. Shivam Patel provides expert knowledge regarding safe pharmacy practice, quality assurance, drug safety, and patient access to affordable medication. He is a registered pharmacist in Massachusetts and has experience in the community and hospital pharmacy settings. Dr. Patel has worked at Brigham and Women's hospital, Partners Healthcare, CVS Health, and Stallergenes Greer as the Senior Pharmacovigilance and Drug Safety Associate. At Stallergenes he was responsible for quality review, analysis, preparation, and completion of labeling, narrative and submission reports of serious adverse events (SAEs) in order to meet regulatory requirements compliant with the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Dr. Patel received a Doctor of Pharmacy (PharmD) and Bachelor of Science in Pharmacy Studies from Northeastern University. Dr. Patel was a Professional Pharmacy Practice Laboratory Instructor at Northeastern University Bouvé College of Health Sciences School of Pharmacy.

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PharmacyChecker helps people find the lowest prices on prescription medication among licensed U.S. and international pharmacies. We are the only independent company monitoring and verifying the credentials of international online pharmacies and comparing prices of the prescription drugs available from these licensed pharmacies. We were founded in 2002 by Tod Cooperman, M.D., in order to provide the increasing number of Americans searching online to save money on medication with the necessary information to protect their health and safety.

PharmacyChecker verifications and price comparisons have been referenced by AARP Magazine, the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, Yahoo Finance, and many others. We are a stakeholder in the online, consumer-driven health care community, seeking a safe internet environment that promotes innovation and new business models that serve the public health.

*This information is neither intended nor implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, nor is it an endorsement of any product or service. If you are considering purchasing medication from outside the U.S., be aware that, in most circumstances, it is technically not legal for individuals to import prescription drugs; however, U.S. government officials have stated that individuals who order non-controlled prescription drugs from Canada or other foreign sources (up to a three-month supply) for their own use are not being pursued or prosecuted.


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