King Mongkut (RAMA IV)

Описание к видео King Mongkut (RAMA IV)

King mongkut (18 October 1804 – 1 October 1868)
Full name: Phra Bat Somdet Phra Poramenthramaha Mongkut Phra Chom Klao Chao Yu Hua
Also known as Rama IV which is the fourth monarch of Siam (Thailand)
His majesty is the king of siam (1851-1868) who opened his country to Western influence and initiated reforms and modern development. To avoid himself from politics, King Mongkut had chosen to become a Buddhist monk. Convinced of the necessity of accommodation with the West, they took the lead in managing the succession of Mongkut to the throne when King Rama III died in 1851. His tolerance and open-mindedness proved far more effective in dealing with Western imperialists than the xenophobia and isolationism of some of his neighbouring rulers. In his own reign Mongkut was unable to achieve fundamental internal reforms, but he took pains to ensure the liberal education of his sons, who in the next generation would begin the modernization of Siam.

Script Writing: Steward Fung
Video Editing: Loo Yin En
Voice over: Miruthula a/p Vicknesvaran


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