We’re Rewilding Iceland’s Deserts - here’s how

Описание к видео We’re Rewilding Iceland’s Deserts - here’s how

We’ve decided to broadened our Icelandic projects to include restoring deserts and wetlands and in this video we lay down the plan for the coming years.

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🙌 Icelandic network form: https://mossyearth.typeform.com/to/Vz...

The rewilding membership that restores nature across a wide range of ecosystems.
🌲 Support a diversity of ecosystems
🐺 Rewild habitats to bring back biodiversity
🦫 Fund neglected species & ecosystems
Learn more and become a member here: https://mossy.earth

00:00 Intro
1:27 2023 - the past
6:56 2024 - the desert
10:44 2025 - the future

Iceland might not be the first place that comes to mind when it comes to forests. However, in the past it used to be covered in woodland (about 40% of the land). These days its about 1.5%... which is why with this project we aim to help bring native woodlands back to this volcanic island.

Find out more about this project here: https://www.mossy.earth/projects/refo...


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