Tutorial: Sharpening Bowl & Bottom Feeder Gouges with Mark Sillay

Описание к видео Tutorial: Sharpening Bowl & Bottom Feeder Gouges with Mark Sillay

Welcome to a tutorial on correctly creating a Ellsworth Grind and a Bottom Feeder Grind on bowl gouges. This tutorial by Mark Sillay was provided for the folks at the World Wide Wood Turning Meeting on 2021-06-16. A club member commented that he tended to have a problem creating an Ellsworth grind on his gouge ... it never turned out quite right. Mark Sillay stepped up to the challenge of showing, real time, how create the grind. Also, he pointed out the pitfalls hit by many turners trying to create the grind ... to assure we avoided the pitfalls. The tutorial was great. Then for completeness, he pointed out how he quickly can transition from creating an Ellsworth grind to a bottom feeder grind ... both grinds being key to making a great bowl.

Enjoy the tutorial.

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