MPhil না PhD কোনটা করা ভালো? Research Degree

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An MPhil, or Master of Philosophy, is typically a one- or two-year program designed to provide advanced research training and a deeper understanding of your chosen field. Think of it as a stepping stone between your bachelor's and a PhD.

A PhD, on the other hand, is a much more in-depth research journey, usually taking between three and five years. The goal is to make an original and significant contribution to knowledge in your field through independent research and a dissertation.

Pros: Shorter duration, less pressure, good foundation for further studies, potential career boost.
Cons: Less research depth, no independent dissertation, might not meet academic requirements for certain careers.

Pros: Deep research dive, original contribution to knowledge, potential for academic careers, prestige and recognition.
Cons: Longer and more demanding, high pressure, high financial cost, uncertain post-graduation path.

Social Links to connect with Dr Sayem Hossain ✅
✅ ফেইসবুক পেজ -   / dr.sayemhossain  
✅ LinkedIn:   / dr-sayem-hossain-18530841  

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Dr. Sayem Hossain is a passionate educator based in Australia. He is also affiliated with Brac Business School, Brac University as an Assistant Professor. Previously, he has worked as an Academic leader for several Australian and overseas universities for more than 8 years. A part-time fitness enthusiast and entrepreneurial thinker, Dr. Sayem aspires to live a positive and meaningful life by empowering others in the society. Through his blog and online learning academy, he teaches thousands of learners around the world everyday. He likes to talk about professional and personal development, health, education and his philosophies...

✅ His e-learning platform:

✅ English channel on Research and Data -    / hotcubatoracademy  

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