Every Recipe of The Farmer’s Dog Reviewed (See How It Actually Looks!)

Описание к видео Every Recipe of The Farmer’s Dog Reviewed (See How It Actually Looks!)

Get 50% off your first box: https://thefarmersdog.otegtm.net/dave...
The Farmer's Dog is one of the best known fresh dog foods out there, and my schnauzer Grumpy has grown up in Denver eating it every day for his whole life.

In this video, I review the main ingredients and share if our dogs like all four The Farmer's Dog recipes, which are beef, chicken, pork, and turkey. You can get up to three recipes in each box, so I collected all four recipes so that you could see them up close and really get a feel for what this food really looks like up close.

If you're looking for a healthy, fresh dog food, we have been feeding this food to our dogs for about two years now, and it's been a great option for our schnauzer, poodle, and westie. They really love their food, and it's human-grade, healthy, and I honestly think it's one of the best dog foods out there. Because two of our dogs can be pretty picky eaters, it has saved us a lot of time and stress. We've tried raw food and other pet food subscription services, and so far, our dogs have liked The Farmer's Dog the best by far (they also liked it a LOT more than Ollie).

Here are a few other videos that I've done about our dog's experience with The Farmer's Dog as their dog food:
The Farmer's Dog Review: 1,000 meals later    • The Farmer's Dog Review: Over 1,000 M...  
What I didn't know about The Farmer's Dog    • The Farmer's Dog: Is It Worth The Hype?  
The Farmer's Dog: 1-year review    • The Farmer's Dog: Things to Know & Re...  
Step-by-step feeding tips:    • The Farmer's Dog: Step-By-Step Feedin...  

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#thefarmersdog #dogfood #dogs


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