Jaya Janaki Ramana Thodayamangalam

Описание к видео Jaya Janaki Ramana Thodayamangalam

Song Composer – Sri Annamacharya
Todayamangalam - Bharathanatyam

This dance has been taught as a part of MA syllabus from TIRUCHIRAPPALLI DIOCESAN EDUCATIONAL SOCIETY, TIRUCHIRAPPALLI (Kalaikaviri).

I would like to thank Dr. Dwaritha Vishwanath and Dr. Priyashri Rao, the resource person of Kalaikaviri University for teaching us such a beautiful dance.

jaya jAnakI ramaNa jaya vibhISHaNa sharaNa
jaya sarOruha charaNa jaya dIna karuNa jaya jaya

Hail (jaya) to the husband/delighter (ramaNa) of sItA (jAnakI) and the one who offered refuge (SaraNa) to vibhIshaNa!
Hail (jaya) to the Lord whose divine feet (caraNa) are like lotuses (sarOruha), and who is compassionate (karuNa) to the destitute (dIna)!

sharaNu sharaNu surEndra sannuta sharaNu shrI sati vallabha
sharaNu rAkSHasa garva samhAra sharaNu vEnkaTa nAyaka
svAmi shrI raghunAyaka vijaya vEnkaTanAyaka sharaNu sharaNu

I seek refuge (SaraNu) at the feet of the husband (vallabha) of the ever-auspicious mahAlakshmI (SrI sati), the Lord who is praised (sannuta) by indra (surEndra)! I seek refuge in the Lord who destroyed (samhAra) the pride (garva) of the demons (rAkshasa), the Lord (nAyaka) of the vENkaTa hill! I seek refuge in the Lord (svAmi) SrI rAma (raghunAyakA - the leader of the dynasty of the raghus), the victorious (vijaya) lord of the veNkaTa hills (veNkaTanAyaka)!

murahara nagadhara mukunda mAdhava
garuDa gamana pankaja nAbha
parama puruSHa bhava bhanjana kEshava
naramRga sharIra namO namO
nArAyaNa tE namO namO jaya

Oh vanquisher (hara) of the demon, mura! The one who held/lifted (dhara) the gOvardhan mountain (naga)! Oh krishNa (mukunda), the husband (dhava) of lakshmI (mA)! One who has a lotus (pankaja) arising from his navel (nAbha) and travels (gamana) on garuDa! Oh supreme (parama) being (purusha) who is the means of destroying (bhanjana) worldly ties (bhava)! Oh destroyer of the demon kESi (kESavA)! Oh one who assumed a half-lion (mriga) and half-human (nara) form (SarIra) to slay hiraNyakaSipu! Oh nArAyaNA - salutations (namO) to thee (tE)! I bow down (namO) to thee!

nArada sannuta namO namO
dEvEsha gaNArAdhita divyAmbuja pAda
shrI vEnkaTa girinAyaka shrISHa hEchcharikA
mAdhava bhavatu tE mangaLam (jaya)
madhumurahara tE jaya mangaLam gOpAla

Salutations (namO) to the Lord praised (sannuta) by nArada! Oh lord whose divine (divya) lotus-like (ambuja) feet (pAda) are worshipped by (ArAdhita) the multitude of gods (dEva gaNa), including their leader (ISa)! Oh lord (nAyaka) of the venkaTa hill (giri)! Oh husband (dhavA) of lakshmi (mA), let there be (bhavatu) auspiciousness (mangaLam) around you, and through you (tE)! Oh vanquisher (hara) of the demons madhu and mura, felicitations (mangaLam) to you (tE)!


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