Crystalizing Practice: From Intention to Vision - with Peter Senge

Описание к видео Crystalizing Practice: From Intention to Vision - with Peter Senge

Peter Senge has been at the forefront of organizational learning, leadership development and systems change since his classic text The Fifth Discipline in 1990 and has been involved in founding organizations and networks to advance theory, method and practice like the Society for Organizational Learning (SoL), the Academy for Systems Change, and the new Center for Systems Awareness.


Welcome to GAIA: an impromptu global infrastructure for sensemaking, leaning into our current moment of disruption and letting this moment move us toward civilizational renewal.

Over the span of 14 weeks, we will practice a collective "inhale and exhale" together. On the "inhale" weeks, we will meet together virtually as a global community, with co-sensing conversations and hearing from inspirational guests. On the "exhale" weeks, you will meet together with your communities in the ways that work best for you (live, digitally, or in person) with an iterative framework we will share during the global community conversations.

#GAIAjourney #Systemsthinking #PeterSenge #Design #Transformation #Mindfulness #Future #Wellbeing #SelfAwareness #Prototype #SocialChange #Emerging #CoCreate #uLab #TheoryU


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