Cumbu Napier fodder cultivation

Описание к видео Cumbu Napier fodder cultivation

Cumbu napier hybrid can grow on a variety of soils.It has a desirable characters like high biomass ,high leaf stem ratio,soft stem and high protein content were present.High yielding and nutritious green fodder is the long felt need of diary farmers of tamilnadu It is well adopted to the soil and climatic conditions of Tamilnadu,where it is extensively grown in Coimbatore ,salem ,erode and nammakal districts.Compared to Napier grass, Hybrid Napier produces more tillers and numerous leaves. It grows faster and produces more herbage

Cumbu Napierhybrid grass is a cross between Cumbu(Pennisetumglaucum) and Napier grass (Pennisetumpurpureum), widely cultivated across India, Africa, Sri Lanka and South East Asian countries. As the hybrid is a triploid, it displays complete sterility and high vegetative growth.A high yielding, nutritious green fodder with soft stem and high leaf stem ratio Cumbu Napier hybrid is the long felt need of dairy farmers of Tamil Nadu, whereit is grown predominantly under irrigated situation. With this objective a new high yielding nutritious CO(CN)4 variety was developed to increase the production and productivity of green fodder in Tamil Nadu.The average milk yield in India is 987 kg/lactation, whereas it is 9291 kg in Israel, 7038 kg in U.S.A. and 6273 kg in Denmark. In order to enhance the milk production and meet the demand, cross bred cows should be fed with nutritious green fodder throughout the year.


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