
Описание к видео 【鬼滅の刃】鬼滅之刃唯美鋼琴音樂




00:00 紅蓮華「Gurenge」
01:44 EP1 BGM 禰豆子
06:38 EP18 BGM ShinobuTheme
10:59 EP19 BGM 炭治郎之歌
17:00 EP21 BGM Rui Theme
20:57 EP24 BGM
23:57 EP25 BGM
28:20 EP26 BGM+Medley

39:23 Listen Again~


☛Music Promotion

You can now submit your music to us through this link:


For releasing under our Record Label, please send your demo (Unreleased) to
►Email: [email protected]
(We will review your request in six hours.)


☛Musician :

❋Yu-Lun Chou
   / amy87432459  














✔ This video was given a special license directly from the artists.
►All rights belong to their respective owners.


❤Keep Calm & Relax❤

Relaxing Music Pro

#鋼琴 #鬼滅の刃


Информация по комментариям в разработке