Spark Interviews | Dr.MANGAYARKARASI | Sahana Sundar (Host) | English Fiction and Imagination

Описание к видео Spark Interviews | Dr.MANGAYARKARASI | Sahana Sundar (Host) | English Fiction and Imagination

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In this episode, we are thrilled to present an enlightening interview with the esteemed Dr. Mangayakarasi. With over 32 years of experience in teaching English literature, Dr. Mangayakarasi has profoundly influenced the academic world. She has authored numerous international research papers on a range of topics, including literary classics and their Bollywood adaptations, English language teaching for sustainable development, and innovative teaching methods for the 21st century.

Dr. Mangayakarasi also plays a pivotal role as a coordinator for the English Language Teachers Association, where she has been instrumental in organizing panel discussions and conferences across the country, fostering a vibrant community of educators.

Join us as we explore three fascinating themes with Dr. Mangayakarasi:
1. *English as a Communication Tool:* Delve into the global significance of English, its cultural impact, and strategies for effective communication.
2. *Psychology and English:* Discover how English literature shapes our cognitive abilities, fosters empathy, and aids in psychological development.
3. *English Fiction and Imaginative Writing:* Learn about the relevance of literary classics, the components of imaginative writing, and the role of fiction in social commentary.

This interview promises to provide deep insights and valuable information for students, educators, and literature enthusiasts. Don't miss this opportunity to ignite your mind with the wisdom of Dr. Mangayakarasi!



#SparkIgnitingMinds #EnglishLiterature #DrMangayakarasi #LanguageLearning #GlobalCommunication #LiteraryClassics #BollywoodAdaptations #SustainableDevelopment #TeachingInnovation #EmpathyThroughLiterature #ImaginativeWriting #FictionAsSocialCommentary #ReadingCulture #EnglishTeachersAssociation #PanelDiscussions #Conferences #EducationalInsights #LiteratureLovers #StudentEmpowerment #CognitiveDevelopment #LanguageAndIdentity #TherapeuticLiterature #InspiringEducators #AcademicInfluence #LiteraryResearch #21stCenturyTeaching



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