
Описание к видео 插画类型那么多,新手应该怎么选?——【六种插画类型介绍】

今天讨论的话题是,插画的类型有哪些? 我见过蛮多的文章写插画类型的时候,常常会混淆插画的技法和插画风格,然后分类总是含糊。 所以这次我的视频讲的分类是有一定的划分的,也就是说,你要进行一个事物的分类,那么你就需要划定一个范畴,这样才能有可讨论性。 那么我们今天确定的范围,就是从两大媒介的角度出发,去看看媒介对于我们的职业发展有何影响,供插画初学者们参考~

The topic discussed today is what types of illustrations are there? I have seen a lot of articles when writing illustration types, and often confuse the illustration techniques and illustration styles, and the classification is always vague. So the classification in my video this time has a certain division. In other words, if you want to classify a thing, then you need to delimit a category so that it can be discussed. So the scope we have determined today is to look at the influence of the media on our career development from the perspective of the two major media, for reference by illustration beginners~


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