Let's Make with iSPIN (Wool Rug)

Описание к видео Let's Make with iSPIN (Wool Rug)

Let’s make with iSPIN (Wool Rug)
This is the first of a planned series of short, simple and easy to follow tutorials on how the iSPIN can be used to make cheap, easy and quick things from wool.

What is a rug to you? Is it decoration? Is it to keep your feet warm on the cold bathroom tiles? Or Is it something yummy to sit on?

Whatever it is to you, beware, your cat will own it!

In this 20min video we are making a small but yummy and invitingly squishy rug with a texture that will lift any room and celebrate nature; below are some of the key stages and details needed.

Finished rug size: 35cm x 48cm / 14inch x 19inch

What you need:
Materials: 250 grams of wool (we used carded wool blended with brown alpaca fibre),
25 metres cord or self-spun wool yarn

Tools: iSPIN Jumbo fitted to your sewing machine,
Weaving Frame (we used a 100cm x 60cm IKEA wire basket draw, upcycling is cool!)

Let’s get started:
We start with SPINNING, 250g of rug yarn (this will take you approximately 50-60 mins) using iSPIN Jumbo. Spinning it uneven or rough can give more textural charm.

Video time reference
00:10 Set up the iSPIN JUMBO for spinning and set the tension
00:35 Pull wool fibre into strips
00:41 Adjust the tension for a chunky rug yarn (quick pull-in, little twist) and spin to fill
the bobbin. Then spin to fill the second bobbin

Next comes PLYING,

3:45 Reverse drive bands from figure of 8 to 0. Take your two previously single spun
bobbins and ply them together onto another bobbin. This will make a more
balanced yarn
5:14 Wind off bobbins using chairs
5:41 Keep spinning and plying until all your 250g fibre is used up

Now comes the WEAVING (takes approx. 50-60 mins) Here I am using an IKEA wire basket draw, but you can use any suitable frame.

7:03 The warp is a series of strong vertical string/cord that the spun rug yarn is woven
into. Tie the strings to the frame about 2cm apart and stretch for tension.

9:44 Take a strip of cardboard (approx. 10cm) and weave through the warp. Push it
firmly down to the bottom of the frame. This will help keep the edge straight and
give something to push against.

10:01 Weave or loop 3 rows with your string. Here I used the same as the warp strings.
Push down to the cardboard

10:59 Start to weave with your spun rug yarn. Under over, under, over, under over…turn…
over, under over, when starting a new piece of yarn make sure to overlap…under,
over…just keep going.

14:27 Finish weaving or looping with the same 3 rows of string as in the beginning.
15:15 Cut off warp strings. Tie each knot where it meets the finished yarn.
17:54 Once the rug is off the loom, tie an overhand knot to fully secure.
18:32 Turn rug over, tuck away and cut off any loose ends.
19:28 Place rug right way up on a flat surface. Straighten out the warp strings and cut to
the same lengths, turning into rug tassels. Turn and repeat.

Now your yummy wool rug is ready to dig your toes in before the cat arrives!



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