৪০ বছর বয়সে ফিট থাকার টিপস - পুষ্টিবিদ ইসরাত জাহান

Описание к видео ৪০ বছর বয়সে ফিট থাকার টিপস - পুষ্টিবিদ ইসরাত জাহান

৪০ বছর বয়সে ফিট থাকার টিপস - পুষ্টিবিদ ইসরাত জাহান

Best way to get into shape
Getting in shape after 40 comes down to two main things: specific exercises and mindset.

Resnick offers her expert advice on the combination of activities that see the greatest success.

After easing into fitness, this is what those over 40 should aspire to do regularly:

moderate aerobic activity for 30 minutes daily (100 steps per minute)
muscle strengthening with all major muscle groups three days a week
balance exercises two days a week at minimum
She suggests using “The Nia Technique” book for specific workout routine ideas.

Bezich, on the other hand, focuses more on setting your mindset toward success.

In his experience, the best way to get in shape after 40 is to “build a motivational platform anchored by the most valued relationships in your life like your spouse, partner, children, grandchildren, or career.”

“These relationships define your personal ‘why’ when it comes to the effort and sacrifices of living healthy,” said Bezich. “Remember, healthy living is a team sport.”

Bezich says keeping a robust social calendar that’s centered around healthy activities can help keep you on track with your fitness and health goals.

Potential barriers to success
The new study says it’s never too late to get in shape and improve our health outcomes, so what’s stopping so many of us?

Bezich says the chief barrier to success is mindset.

“Most can’t even keep their New Year’s resolution for more than a month or two,” he said. “I attribute this to a weak cognitive association between their day-to-day behavior and their most valued relationships.”

In his own research with physically active men over 50, he found the success factor is an ability to connect the dots between between one’s diet and exercise routines and their ambitions in life.

“They get that in order to fulfill their ambitions they need to be and stay healthy. It’s the power of this positive association that keeps them going when others quit,” Bezich said.

Those who don’t follow through with their fitness goals, Bezich says, lack a strong “why” factor.

So while getting fit after 40 is about easing into specific exercises tailored to success, it’s also about understanding your underlying motivation for doing so.


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