Tai Chi Kung Fu Fan - Tai Chi Friends Club of Greater Washington

Описание к видео Tai Chi Kung Fu Fan - Tai Chi Friends Club of Greater Washington

Tai Chi Friends Club of Greater Washington members perform Taiji Kung Fu Fan Form. The form was created in 2001 by Professor Li Deyin and demonstrated as part of China's successful bid for the 2008 Olympic Games.

The form combines movements from both soft (taiji/bagua) and hard (kung fu) styles. It is divided into six sections and consists of a total of 52 movements, including selections from Chen and Yang taiji styles. Closed captions of form movements based on Taiji Kung Fu Fan DVD By Professor Li Deyin with movement names from http://www.egreenway.com/taichichuan/.

The performance is accompanied by Zhongguo Gongfu by Tu Honggang. Presented at the 2017 Washington Taiji Festival at the Cabin John Tai Chi Court in Bethesda, Maryland.


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