MOH - Tier 1 Operators - Operation Anaconda - Gunfighters

Описание к видео MOH - Tier 1 Operators - Operation Anaconda - Gunfighters

1st BN 2nd Aviation Regt.
CPT. Brad "Hawk" Hawkins.

Gunfighter 06 and Gunfighter 11 are on a hunter killer mission around the Shahikot mountains. After saving the rangers from annihilation they go looking for mortar teams and enemy targets.

After eliminating 3 mortar teams they spot a convoy of armed vehicles moving through the valley and decide to pursue. The convoy leads them to a heavily defended village. The two Apaches open up with MG and rockets, leaving the village in ruins and dozens of enemy KIA.

Soon after the choppers spot another group of mortar teams which are gunned down. The choppers themselves come under attack from RPG teams but manage to take them out before being shot down.

Lastly, Gunfighter 06 & 11 destroy targets and hammer a couple of enemy strongholds in the mountains. Firing MGs, Hellfire's and rockets, they leave a trail of destruction and anything between 100 - 150 enemy KIA.


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