Magnify O My Soul, A Nativity Hymn - Sons of Antioch

Описание к видео Magnify O My Soul, A Nativity Hymn - Sons of Antioch

The dismissal hymn of the "Evenings of the Nativity Fast" service.
From "A Divine Presence", a Byzantine Music Concert by the Sons of Antioch, recorded live on December 14th, 2024 at St. Nicholas Antiochian Orthodox Cathedral, Brooklyn, NY. Vailable in full here:   / divine-presence-119405469  

Original hymn in Arabic by Fr. Panteleimon Farah and the Hamatoura Monastery Monks.
Translated to English by Bishop Basil (Essey) and Hierodeacon Benedict (Armitage), and the music was adapted by Patrick Haddad

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