
Описание к видео #betd24

Climate Tech and Clean Tech start-ups and innovation are playing a crucial role in our net zero future. That is why the Start-up Energy Transition Global Innovation Platform (SET GIP) wants to give a voice to the innovators of tomorrow to ensure that, firstly, decision makers place energy innovation at the top of their agendas and secondly, that industry leaders employ innovation as the clear path to their decarbonisation goals.
Get to know the winners of this year’s SET Award and find out what role they play in the energy transition with their start-up concerning specific sectors and/or regions. What role do start-ups and scale-ups play in times of crisis? How could technology and business model innovations leverage transition processes? And how could founders pave the way for meeting the COP28 goals?

(1) Svetlana Bukov, Business Development Manager, SolCold
(2) Rajal Upadhyaya, Chief Financial Officer, Roam
(3) Juan Stockermans, Business Development Manager, Magnotherm
(4) William Bergh, Founder & CEO, Cling Systems
(5) Dr Tobias Engelmeier, CEO & CO-Founder, Village Data Analytics (VIDA)

Join the Dialogue on the global energy transition! - www.energydialogue.berlin - Follow us on X and Instagram: @greensofa_betd

In the past years the Berlin Energy Transition Dialogue (BETD) has become a leading international forum for key stakeholders of the energy sector. High-level policymakers, industry, science and civil society are given the opportunity to share their experiences and ideas on a safe, affordable and environmentally responsible global energy transition. In 2023, over 2,000 on-site and 17,000 virtual participants and viewers from more than 130 countries, more than 40 international delegations with ministers and secretaries of state, and over 100 high-level speakers gathered virtually and on-site in the German capital to participate. The Berlin Energy Transition Dialogue is hosted and supported by the German Federal Government and a joint initiative of German Renewable Energy Federation (BEE), German Solar Association (BSW-Solar), German Energy Agency (dena) and eclareon.


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