【商業影片|形象】 2017Affliction 2min Trailer_預告片|風紅影像

Описание к видео 【商業影片|形象】 2017Affliction 2min Trailer_預告片|風紅影像

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Director: Peter Casaer
Year: 2015
Duration: 52 min (English subtitles)
Shot in Liberia, Sierra Leone and Guinea, the film provides a compelling view of the impact of the Ebola outbreak on the lives of individuals. From the remote village where the first victim was identified the film takes us through the three affected countries.

Through a series of interconnected scenes, we explore the different aspects of the outbreak as village chiefs, patients, survivors, national and international aid workers talk about the fear and rejection, the stigma, the impact of quarantine, the mortality of health personnel, the failure of the international response, the lack of adequate medical treatment.

The film crew had unlimited access to the teams of Médecins Sans Frontières and was therefore able to film some difficult moments normally hidden from the cameras.

In the final scene we are taken on an emotional rollercoaster and feel the complex reality facing those who have survived Ebola.


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