Tave Kosi 🇦🇱 Albanian Traditional Dish/ Yogurt Casserole

Описание к видео Tave Kosi 🇦🇱 Albanian Traditional Dish/ Yogurt Casserole

I want to share with you this beloved National dish throughout 🇦🇱 called "Tave Kosi"/"Yogurt Casserole". The Lamb and Rice are baked under a thick veil of Yogurt and Eggs.This dish is also popular in Greece and Turkey and is known as Elbasan Tava, named after the Albanian City of Elbasan. Enjoy!
Sot ne menu Tave Kosi. Shpresoj t'ju pelqej. #tavekosi #unegatuaj #albaniantraditionalfood #kuzhinashqiptare #gatimetradicionale_al #kuzhinatradicionale #cookwithvilma
Follow the directions of the recipe from the video!


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