中外8万余人同欢!瑞丽2024泼水狂欢节,民族团结奋进谱新篇/More than 80,000 CN and foreign! Ruili 2024 Water Splashing Carnival

Описание к видео 中外8万余人同欢!瑞丽2024泼水狂欢节,民族团结奋进谱新篇/More than 80,000 CN and foreign! Ruili 2024 Water Splashing Carnival

瑞丽市2024年泼水狂欢节于4月13日至15日举办,节日主题为“同心欢庆泼水节 团结奋进谱新篇”,将按照“政府主导、部门协作、学会承办”的原则,由市委、市政府主办,勐卯街道办事处、瑞丽市傣学学会、瑞丽市德昂族文化发展进步学会、瑞丽市佛教协会、瑞丽勐卯弄民间傣协会承办。节日期间,除了传统的采花活动、祈福仪式、圣水采集、节日开幕式、“嘎伴光”泼水狂欢、文艺晚会以外,还将举办“雪花之夜”民族歌舞演唱会、“嗨·瑞丽”Mama rock音乐节、金巷子德宏美食节、姐告印度洋海鲜美食节、“嗨·瑞丽”非遗文化展演、房交会及汽车摩托展销会、“嗨·瑞丽”瑞丽古城开街系列活动,以及“有一个美丽的地方—瑞丽”系列体育赛事活动等。
The 2024 Water Splashing Carnival in Ruili City will be held from April 13 to 15. The theme of the festival is "Celebrate the Water Splashing Festival Together and Forge a New Chapter Together". It will be organized by the Municipal Party Committee in accordance with the principle of "government-led, departmental collaboration, and learned societies". , sponsored by the municipal government, hosted by the Mengmao Sub-district Office, Ruili Dai Studies Society, Ruili De'ang Culture Development and Progress Society, Ruili Buddhist Association, and Ruili Mengmao Nong Folk Dai Association. During the festival, in addition to the traditional flower-picking activities, blessing ceremonies, holy water collection, festival opening ceremony, "Gabanguang" water splashing carnival, and artistic evening, there will also be held the "Snowflake Night" ethnic song and dance concert, "Hi Ruili" Mama Rock Music Festival, Jinxiangzi Dehong Food Festival, Jiegao Indian Ocean Seafood Food Festival, "Hi Ruili" intangible cultural heritage exhibition, real estate fair and automobile and motorcycle exhibition, "Hi Ruili" Ruili Ancient City Street Opening Series, and "Hi Ruili" Ruili Ancient City Street Opening Series There is a Beautiful Place—Ruili" series of sports events and activities.
中外8万余人同欢!瑞丽2024泼水狂欢节,民族团结奋进谱新篇/More than 80,000 CN and foreign! Ruili 2024 Water Splashing Carnival


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