Our NATLA Aang, Gordon Cormier, is getting ready to d'day with firelord ozai 🙈

Описание к видео Our NATLA Aang, Gordon Cormier, is getting ready to d'day with firelord ozai 🙈

Gordon Cormier has once again shared an Insta story video, showing himself practicing rock climbing. This has also made fans think about the training for Avatar Live Action season 2, could Gordon be training for this scene?

Some fans also commented that the actor playing Aang seems to be proving to Sokka that he can climb mountains better than him 🙈.

On the other hand, Gordon's appearance has captured the attention of fans, he is very talented, and he appears to be very tall, like a baby trapped inside a giant's body. No wonder Ruy Iskandar, who plays Lieutenant Jee, jokingly said that Gordon grew 6 inches during filming 😂.

Apart from that, to celebrate Asian Heritage Month, Gordon also joined in sharing insights about the importance of Asian representation in Netflix's Avatar: The Last Airbender. He's truly our Asian TV superhero! ❤️

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