Tutorial: Building an Edge / IoT Solution with EdgeX Foundry - Jim White, IOTech Systems

Описание к видео Tutorial: Building an Edge / IoT Solution with EdgeX Foundry - Jim White, IOTech Systems

Tutorial: Building an Edge / IoT Solution with EdgeX Foundry - Jim White, IOTech Systems

EdgeX is a vendor neutral, hardware agnostic, open framework for building industrial IoT and edge computing systems. EdgeX is a software framework that enables you to rapidly connect the “things” in your operational technology (OT) environment to your information technology (IT). In this hands-on tutorial workshop, you will see how to get and run EdgeX Foundry. Attendees are invited to bring their Linux laptops and follow along in developing a small sample EdgeX based edge solution. You will understand how EdgeX Foundry supports the development and deployment of interoperable and distributed edge/fog/IoT solutions. You will learn the basics on how to connect OT sensors and devices to EdgeX and how to get edge data flowing into the platform where it can be used by edge analytics to trigger actuation or alerting. You will also learn how to connect EdgeX to backend IT platforms (enterprise applications and cloud platforms). Finally, you will be given information about where and how you can customize/extend EdgeX to suit your use cases.

IMPORTANT NOTE - Attendees wishing to participate in this tutorial in real-time are encouraged to have a Linux laptop (or access to a Linux virtual machine) with Docker and Docker Compose installed (see https://docs.docker.com/get-docker/ for details).


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