How much COMPLETION can you get without abilities in Hollow Knight? | Cursed Runs

Описание к видео How much COMPLETION can you get without abilities in Hollow Knight? | Cursed Runs

Welcome to Cursed Runs, a series where I do some of the hardest Hollow Knight categories out there.

Today, inspired by a previous video, we obtain 33% without picking up a single ability. Some of the skips required to do this were though to be TAS only or straight up impossible before this was routed. Special thanks to ImDaDirtyDan, IronRose and daanolav who helped make this run possible.

‪@imdadirtydan‬'s itemless mark of pride explanation/showcase video:    • No Vertical Mantis Village, Lords, an...  
‪@daanolav‬'s no abilities Uumuu:    • Hollow Knight - shade skip to uumuu w...  

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