The REAL Reason Why Christians Shouldn't Get Tattoos

Описание к видео The REAL Reason Why Christians Shouldn't Get Tattoos

In this video I'm discussing Spiritual Dangers of Christians Getting Tattoos.

Hello, everyone my name is Eder and the reason I wear sunglasses is because I'm extremely light sensitive.
I've been involved with the Deliverance Ministry and using my gifts of interpreting dreams, since I was 15 years old. You could say it is the family business. In these videos, I am sharing subjects people have questioned me about when sending me their dreams.
I have the gift of Interpretation of Dreams, Discerning of Spirits, Word of Knowledge, Word of Wisdom and others including being a Seer ( Seeing in the Spirit) . I believe these gifts were given to me by God to fulfill my purpose. I am a Born Again Christian. I believe Jesus Christ is my Lord and Saviour since I was a child.
The Supernatural is not new or surprising to me. I am honoured and humbled to be able to share what I have experienced and know about the Spiritual Realm on this platform.

0:00 - Should Christians Get Tattoos?
0:11 - Tattoo Etymology
1:03 - Spiritual Danger #1
2:05 - Spiritual Danger #2
6:52 - Spiritual Danger #3
9:00 - Spiritual Danger #4
13:28 - Spiritual Danger #5 (Soul Ties and Blood Covenants)

Videos I mentioned:
-People Treat Me Different When I Cover Up My Tattoos
✅   • People Treat Me Different When I Cove...  
-Azkaban Prison Tatts | Shayne Smith
✅   • Azkaban Prison Tatts | Shayne Smith |...  

Send your dreams to: [email protected]

Checklist : What to include in your email, if you need a dream interpretation: [email protected]

✅ Don’t omit anything about the dream as this could have an effect on the interpretation. If you don’t remember the whole dream that’s okay just make sure you’re very specific.

✅ Please remember to give an alias to protect your identity.

✅ Next, be sure to state what time of day your dream took place. In your dream was it morning, afternoon etc?

✅ Also let me know if your dream was Blurry, in HD, Black & White, Color.

👇Follow me on Social Media👇

Instagram:   / christianin  

#tattoo #spiritualwarfare #canchristiansgettattoos


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