They Taught You the Wrong "Prayer" to Make Sure You Never Manifest

Описание к видео They Taught You the Wrong "Prayer" to Make Sure You Never Manifest

NEVER Have Another "Prayer" Ignored in 2025

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The ONLY Prayer Technique You NEED in 2025 to Manifest Anything

#1 – Stop Believing in God, And Start Knowing God

That may sound odd, but let me ask you something: Do you believe in oxygen?
You don’t. You know it—because you experience it.
Do you believe in breathing? Or do you believe you can walk?
You don’t believe in walking or breathing. Why? Because you have direct experience with them. So, you don’t believe; you know.
What changed my life was when I stopped believing in God for the same reasons. I sought a direct experience and cultivated a personal relationship with the Universal Intelligence we sometimes call God, Spirit, Allah, the Creator, the Divine Mind, or Energy.
Knowing of God and knowing God are two very different things.
Believing in God is fine, but at that point, it’s still a concept. A concept is a mental construct, an idea—a thing. But God isn’t a thing. God is everything.

God is consciousness and an intelligent energy field. We aren’t physical beings separate from Spirit. Believing we are merely individual physical bodies limits us to the first two levels of consciousness—either no connection to God or belief in God.
But believing isn’t knowing or experiencing.

To move from belief to knowing, we must understand that God isn’t “out there.” We aren’t just physical beings; we are electrical fields of energy vibrating at high frequencies.
Science shows us that energy is never created or destroyed; it’s only transferred or transformed into new vibrational states. All energy, the source of all matter, is omnipresent. It’s evenly distributed across all things, everywhere, at all times.

This energy manifests in infinite vibrational states, giving form to everything: your body, my body, a chair, a car, a house. There’s one source of all this energy. I call this source God.

Before we move on to Steps #2 and #3, and we breakdown how to speak to God directly to manifest your desires quicker, easier, and faster —let’s consider this:

Max Planck, the German physicist who won the Nobel Prize in 1918 for his discovery of energy quanta, said this in his acceptance speech:

“As a man who has devoted his whole life to the most clear-headed science, to the study of matter, I can tell you as a result of my research about atoms this much: There is no matter as such. All matter originates and exists only by virtue of a force which brings the particles of an atom to vibration and holds this most minute solar system of the atom together. We must assume behind this force the existence of a conscious and intelligent mind. This mind is the matrix of all matter.”

Even the greatest scientific minds acknowledge this: God, or Divine Mind, is the source of all matter.

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