🔴TPM MESSAGES || Pastor Don Spires Message || பாவத்திலிருந்து விடுதலை || Tamil and English

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TPM MESSAGES || Pastor Don Spires Message || பாவத்திலிருந்து விடுதலை || Tamil and English

We all sin. It’s a fact and part of human nature. Our world is fallen and corrupt because of sin. It is impossible to never sin, if anyone says that they’ve never committed any iniquity, they are outright liars.
Only Jesus Christ, who was and is perfect in every way, never sinned. Ever since our first earthly father and mother- Adam and Eve- made the catastrophic mistake of taking from the forbidden fruit, we are born with the tendency to choose sin over obedience.
We cannot help ourselves but keep on falling short of God’s glory. If left to our own devices, we will never measure up to God’s standards, because we are weak and prone to the lusts of the flesh. We enjoy sin too much because it gratifies the flesh. But there is hope in Christ! Read ahead to better understand what sin is, why we sin, where we can find freedom, and more.

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