Narcissistic Supply: How Does it FEEL?

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Two differences between compliments and narcissistic supply: fantasy and regulatory locus.

Persons with narcissistic style or disorder are dependent on supply for external regulation - and not only of sense of self-worth.

How does it feel?

A rush or a high. Narcissistic elation or euphoria. Sense of omnipotence, invincibility, invulnerability, immunity to consequences of actions, decisions, and choices. Manic or hypomanic phase: anything is possible and achievable.

Delusional self-perceived creativity, insights, and discoveries (psychoticism)

Apotheosis: affirmed perfection and, therefore, lovability (countering the bad object). Mitigated separation insecurity (abandonment anxiety) and object constancy.

Expansive hyperreflexivity (psychotic): appropriating the environment to serve the narcissist's needs and agenda (they should be grateful!)

Cosmic justice restored: safety in an otherwise hostile and unpredictable world.

Haughty contempt coupled with idealization of sources in order to co-idealize.

Craving leads to compulsion-obsession and one track minded relentless pursuit.

Narcissistic supply universal drug akin to cocaine (which, indeed, induces grandiosity). Con artist gurus and coaches push it to manipulate their audience.

Empowered by technology, contemporary Humanity is comprised of 99% profoundly dumb people who compensate for their abysmal intellectual inferiority and nescience with pathetic and risible grandiosity and with insufferable victimhood entitlement.

The remaining 1% are truly gifted and endowed individuals whose veritable superiority renders them contemptuous and haughty - which is self-defeating.

So, in both classes of people: impaired reality testing and delusionality.

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