Billy Casper: A Classic Swing

Описание к видео Billy Casper: A Classic Swing

It should be apparent after watching so many of these swing analysis videos that there are similarities in the swings of the great players prior to 1970 that are so prevalent that we can call the end result “the classic swing”. The list is fairly short but all of the items are integral parts of the whole.
1. Deep right hip and leg movement in the backswing.
2. Takeaway either straight back or inward.
3. Hands move out toward the ball in transition.
4. The head is significantly lower at impact than it was at address.
5. Hips stay in the box (deep) in the forward swing.
6. There is an aggressive lateral drive of the hips in the forward swing as well as an aggressive rotation.
7. The right upper arm moves in front of the right hip in the forward swing (the sidearm throwing motion).
8. The body is well open at impact.
9. The hands, arms and club exit to the left
Billy Casper’s swing does all these things. It is no wonder that he hit the ball well enough to win 51 PGA Tour events and 3 majors. While Casper was renowned for his short game and putting, we know now that the great champions separated themselves from their competitors more through their approach shots and driving than from shots on and around the greens. From 1964-1970 Casper won 27 events, more than twice the number that Player and Palmer won combined. He won majors 11 years apart, and had 11 children while he was doing it! If you watch any interviews with him it is obvious that he was a sweetheart of a guy and surely he will be sorely missed.


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