How To Use Livesuite To Flash Your YDPG18A And YDPG16 To A Stock Image

Описание к видео How To Use Livesuite To Flash Your YDPG18A And YDPG16 To A Stock Image

This video will show you how to use livesuite to flash the latest firmware for your YINLIPS YDPG16. It will also show you how to root the device as well. Flashing to this firmware formats you INTERNAL SD CARD and leaves the external alone but to be safe REMOVE YOUR EXTERNAL SD CARD. This risk of doing this upgrade is minimal but do so at YOUR OWN RISK. MAKE SURE YOU HAVE A FULL BATTERY BEFORE YOU FLASH OR ROOT THIS DEVICE.

The needed files can be found here:

Thanks goes out to WILLGOO for providing me with the new firmware.
If you would like to purchase this device please buy from them.


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