Antonio Lotti: Missa Sapientiae | c. 1720-30

Описание к видео Antonio Lotti: Missa Sapientiae | c. 1720-30

Year composed: 1720 - 1730 (J.D. Zelenka arranged the work in Dresden c. 1730)
Lyrics: Latin Mass (Gloria & Kyrie)
Soprano; 6-part Chorus.
Orchestra: trumpet, strings, continuo
Original title: Missa g-Moll by Antonio Lotti

Lotti’s work, bridged the Baroque and Classical eras of Western music. His Missa Sapientiae (Mass in G minor), arranged by J.D. Zelenka was beloved in its time: Handel, Zelenka, and J.S. Bach all owned their own hand-written copies of Lotti's work before it was even published. Handel used certain passages for some of his own compositions.

00:00 Kyrie eleison
02:16 Christe eleison
04:26 Kyrie eleison
06:43 Gloria in excelsis
09:11 Laudamus te
11:13 Gratias agimus tibi
12:46 Domine Deus, Rex coelestis
15:36 Domine Fili
17:47 Domine Deus, Agnus Dei
19:09 Qui tollis peccata mundi
22:39 Qui sedes
23:14 Miserere Nobis
25:11 Quoniam tu solus sanctus
27:24 Cum Sancto Spiritu

Lotti was long thought to have been born in Hanover where his father was employed, but is now known to have been baptized in Venice, where studied with Giovanni Legrenzi and spent most of his life. During 1717-1719 he taught Jan Dismas Zelenka in Dresden, where many of Lotti's mases are still conserved.

A Venetian, Lotti rose through the ranks at San Marco as a singer and organist before becoming maestro di cappella. He composed sacred music for both San Marco and for the famous Venetian ospedale, orphanages that doubled as music conservatories. He also wrote numerous operas for the Venetian theatres, and it was his reputation as an opera composer that led to a two-year stay at the Dresden court from 1717 to 1719, his only time away from his native city. He is known today almost exclusively for two Crucifixus settings that are in the repertoire of many choirs. They were written at the end of his life, at a time when he turned to an earlier, renaissance style of writing. When and for whom he composed the much more “modern” Missa Sapientiae is not known. It is a missa brevis, meaning a setting of only the Kyrie and Gloria of the Mass text.

Handel met Lotti during his sojourn in Italy: he was in Venice in 1707 and Lotti offered the young German both tutelage and support. The Czech composer Zelenka played double bass in the Dresden court orchestra from 1710, and was among a number of Dresden musicians sent to Italy to learn Italian style in 1715. Zelenka chose to study with Lotti. Both Handel and Zelenka would have met Lotti again in 1719, in Dresden: Handel was in town recruiting singers and instrumentalists for the London theatres, and Zelenka returned to the court that summer from studies in Vienna.

The Venetian Antonio Caldara was just a few years younger than Lotti, and the two worked together at San Marco (Caldara was a singer and cellist).

Lotti’s birth & death day was on January 5.

Performed by:
● Dorothee Mields, Soprano
●Thomas Hengelbrock, Conductor
● Balthasar-Neumann-Chor / Balthasar-Neumann-Ensemble
● Recorded at: Evangelische Kirche, Gönningen

Cover art:
● Title: The Virgin and Child (The Madonna of the Book) c. 1480
● Painted by: Sandro Botticelli (c. 1445 – May 17, 1510)
● Housed in: Museo Poldi Pezzoli, Milano
Known also as the Madonna of the Book, this painting represents the Virgin and Child in a domestic setting, intent on reading a volume, perhaps a Book of Hours. A window is open on the landscape at twilight, but the diffused light which transforms the space into a mystical setting seems to emanate from the figures themselves. The various fruits in the bowl have a symbolic meaning, the cherries allude to the blood of Christ, the plums to the love between Mother and Child, the figs to the Salvation or the Resurrection. The nails and the crown of thorns (perhaps not original) evoke the Passion of Christ. Dating from about 1480, the painting shows all the elements of the Botticelli’s mature poetic: a delicate, elegant linearity, a style which is still far from the intense pathos of his late work.

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