Tokelau Language Week: Toku titi laukie (weaving)

Описание к видео Tokelau Language Week: Toku titi laukie (weaving)

To celebrate Tokelau Language Week, Tokelau Hutt Valley Sports & Culture Association share this video highlighting the significance of the laukie and lauhulu — a treasured resource in Tokelau that abundantly grows on Nukunonu.

Mothers Velonika, Matalena and Meli elaborate on the many ways it is used in weaving and contributes to significant events such as the titi (woven dance skirt), kofu fakaipoipo (wedding dress) or totuliaga (wedding mat for the newlyweds). Even though they live outside of Tokelau, it is still important to have for families in Tokelau.

Both Velonika and Matalena share the importance of sharing their knowledge and skills to the next generation before they pass onto the afterlife. They attribute their weaving skills to their late mother, Heletuta, who always encouraged them to share and pass on their weaving skills.

Tupulaga Tokelau are blessed with these elders, who are master weavers and continue to share their talents with them.

‘Toku titi, toku titi laukie’
‘Toku titi, toku titi laukie’

Video by P&L Ltd, Fraser Rudman on behalf of Tokelau Hutt Valley Sports & Culture Association and ACE Aotearoa


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