Pokemon Timeline Explained | Current History Part 1

Описание к видео Pokemon Timeline Explained | Current History Part 1

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POKEMON TIMELINE EPISODE 3 HERE:    • Pokemon Timeline Explained | Recent H...  
POKEMON TIMELINE EPISODE 2 HERE:    • Pokemon Timeline Explained | Ancient ...  
POKEMON TIMELINE EPISODE 1 HERE:    • Pokemon Timeline Explained | The Begi...  

The fourth installment for my timeline series is finally here! But this time its coming in parts! There are probably more events in the contemporary history era than there are all of the other videos combined. So expect multiple videos for this era! I spent a ton of time on this video, its personally my favorite video of the timeline series so I hope you guys enjoy it! Sorry for it coming out so late, I've been very busy in real life but I'm back to the ol youtube grind! Be sure to leave a like if you enjoyed the video, the more likes this video gets; the fast the next timeline video comes out! Also be sure to subscribe if you're enjoying the channel! And for the question of the day: who would win in a battle between Dialga, Giratina and Palkia? Be sure to leave your answer down below! Also be sure to stay till the end for some bloopers I made. Until next time~!
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Check out my featured videos here!

Rarest Pokemon: http://bit.ly/29iLEEa
Unreleased Pokemon: http://bit.ly/1OtVqB8
Explosion: http://bit.ly/22tjBGj
Background music: http://bit.ly/29VTsiS
Intro video background: http://bit.ly/2cr1XnR
Shadow Suicune: http://bit.ly/2cfyz1Q
Intro video background 2: http://bit.ly/2cfyAmq
Jungle Sounds: http://bit.ly/2cxIr9a
Forest Footage: http://bit.ly/2cxTWNQ
Background music 2: http://bit.ly/2cmeW8f
Alarm noise: http://bit.ly/2cp8Ns4
Alarm noise 2: http://bit.ly/2cp95is
Distortion world music: http://bit.ly/2cpBDs1
Fire sound effect: http://bit.ly/2cpBwNi
Distortion world music remix: http://bit.ly/2cpH0Yi
Whip sound effect: http://bit.ly/2cpFIwp
Woosh sound effect: http://bit.ly/2cpIzpm
Crowd running in fear sound effect: http://bit.ly/1rMlumd
Explosion Sound effects: http://bit.ly/2cpJu8Z
Giratina battle music: http://bit.ly/2cpLdeE
Powering up sound effect: http://bit.ly/2cpUzqZ
National Park Footage: http://bit.ly/2cs008E
DNA footage: http://bit.ly/2cs4wnv
Rain footage: http://bit.ly/2cG1gXP
Lab background: http://bit.ly/2cG3tm8
Ball of lightning: http://bit.ly/2cG99fO
Mewtwo art: http://bit.ly/2cG9Aqx
Giratina art: http://bit.ly/2csrWcr
Flying sound effect: http://bit.ly/2csyOGE
City battle background: http://bit.ly/2cGDgUq
Thunderbolt effect: http://bit.ly/2cGVRzV
Super saiyan aura: http://bit.ly/1UArI43
Pokemon Colosseum footage: http://bit.ly/2ct5yjb
Pokemon Colosseum footage 2: http://bit.ly/2cLaPom
Cave background: http://bit.ly/2cwOEQO
Mewtwo art 2: http://bit.ly/2cwSOs1
Tornado effect: http://bit.ly/2cwUdic
Static transition screen: http://bit.ly/2cLJenb
Giratina in thumbnail: http://bit.ly/2cxasMa
Mewtwo in thumbnail: http://bit.ly/2cxatzP
Red in thumbnail: http://bit.ly/1Xu3pGJ

If your work wasn't cited, please email me!


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