
Описание к видео มุณิกชาดก-หมูจอมตระกละSub-eng

มุณิกชาดก นิทานชาดกว่าด้วยผู้มีอายุยืน
The Munika Jataka : The story of longevity

ชาวนาครอบครัวหนึ่งได้เลี้ยงโคไว้สองตัวชื่อ มหาโลหิต กับ จุฬโลหิต และเลี้ยงสุกรตัวหนึ่งชื่อ มุณิกะ ทุกๆวันชาวนาจะนำโคทั้งสองไปทำงานหนักตรากตรำ โคจุฬโลหิต เห็นหมูมุณิกะอยุ่กินอย่างสบายจึงอดน้อยเนื้อต่ำใจชาวนาไม่ได้
เนื้อหาชาดก, ข้อคิดจากชาดก ข้อมูลเพิ่มเติม
คลิก http://www.kalyanamitra.org/daily/dha...

..... A long time ago, in the reign of Lord Brahma Mrigadat who possessed the city of Varanasi, there was a farmer who had been raising two sibling cows named Mahalohit and Jullalohit, as well as one pig named Munika. In every early morning, the farmer took these two cows out to the farm and used them to plough the rice field, carry some water and firewood. The two sibling cows were taken back in the late evenings and got rest after dark. For every kind of work, either light or heavy load, the farmer always used the cows. It can be said that the two sibling cows were the main source of income of the farmer family. One day, the farmer held the engagement ceremony of his daughter and her fianc?. After the engagement ceremony had been done, the farmer and his family members were preparing things for the forth coming wedding ceremony. Every day the farmer's daughter brought a lot of rice, bran, beans and good food to feed the pig Munika. When the weather was hot, the lady took the pig a bath and scrubbed his body, even though the dirty pen floor was also rubbed and cleaned. In the night, fire was set to drive mosquitoes away. But the sibling cows were never taken good care of. They worked hard in every early morning but they got only simple food such as stunted rice plants, dried leaves, and old grasses for return. Jullalohit felt disappointed when he realized such actions of the farmer and his daughter. So, he bemoaned that actions and said to Mahalohit that "Look at us! We work hard every day, day or night. It can be said that we are the ones who can raise the whole family, but we got only stunted rice plants, dried leaves, and old grasses for return, whereas the pig Munaka who has done nothing but sleep all day, it turns out that he got a good food for return. It's just not fair". After Mahalohit heard that complaint, Mahalohit then warned Jullalohit that "My dear brother, don't be jealous of him. He eats all day, he never eats to live but lives to eat and die.
The lady master's wedding day is coming soon, and then the pig will be captured and cooked as food for guests. It's good for you to eat the stunted rice plants. So, you'll live long" and it was true as Mahalohit said.
It's not long after that the lady came with two guys to the pig pen to capture the pig Munika, and they then took the pig Munika to kill for food to serve to the guests on the wedding day. No matter how loud the pig Munika screamed out as if to ask them to leave his life, nobody did care. Even his lady master who had ever pleased him all along, she also helped them to kill him.
The two sibling cows saw that, so, Jullalohit said to Mahalohit that "I see the bad effect of the greed for food now. I realize these old grasses and dried leaves are the best food for us. The food enables us to live than the delicious food of Munaka's does" and then they happily continued speaking to each other.



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