外汇-谐波加特利 Forex- Harmonic patterns Gartley

Описание к видео 外汇-谐波加特利 Forex- Harmonic patterns Gartley

自我介绍一下我是一个有6年交易经历的交易员 主要用谐波和供需 这边吧自己的谐波交易给大家简单的讲一下希望大家可以喜欢,录制不易希望点点订阅,给我点动力为大家录制出更多的好视频,谢谢。
Let me introduce myself, I am a 6 years trading experience traders mainly use harmonic and the supply and demand side own harmonic trading tell me the hope that we can give you a simple love, recording is not easy to want little subscription, and give me some power more good video recordings were made for you, thank you.


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