EURAXESS ASEAN Webinar on ERC, Wednesday, 4 September,

Описание к видео EURAXESS ASEAN Webinar on ERC, Wednesday, 4 September,

EURAXESS ASEAN and the European Research Council warmly invite researchers and innovators from Southeast Asia to an Info Webinar on ERC grant schemes on Wednesday, 4 September, 9:00 – 10:30am CET.

(We apologize for technical problems with the images in the recording taken from Zoom).

Expert Speaker: Dr Odeta Limaj, European Research Council

Dr. Odeta Limaj is a Scientific Officer at the European Research Council. After her PhD in Physics at Sapienza University of Rome, she has been a postdoc at Boston University and Ecole Polytechnique de Lausanne. In 2016 she joined the European Research Council Executive Agency, working on Starting, Consolidator, Advanced and Synergy calls. As Scientific Officer at ERC she coordinates evaluation calls, in close contact with the evaluators, and monitors funded projects, mainly in the domain of physical sciences and engineering. Since 2022, she is the Coordinator of the Condensed and Soft Matter Physics Panel.

ERC Grantee: Adjunct Professor Novi Quadrianto, Indonesia

Novi Quadrianto is a machine learning scientist and an Adjunct Professor (Data Science) at Monash University Indonesia. He is also a Professor of Machine Learning at the University of Sussex, UK, leads a BCAM Severo Ochoa Strategic Lab on Trustworthy Machine Learning in Spain, and is a scholar at the ELLIS Human-centric Machine Learning programme. Novi received his Ph.D. in Machine Learning from the Australian National University, Canberra, Australia in 2012. From 2012-2014, Novi was a Newton International Fellow of the Royal Society and the British Academy at the Machine Learning Group in the Department of Engineering, University of Cambridge. He joined the University of Sussex in 2014. In 2019, Novi was awarded a €1.5 million grant by the European Research Council ERC for a 5-year project on developing Bayesian machine learning models and algorithms for fairness and transparency (BayesianGDPR).


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