Bye Bye There! WITH LYRICS

Описание к видео Bye Bye There! WITH LYRICS

After struggling to find motivation to work on it for months, I'm happy to say that Bye Bye There! WITH LYRICS has been completed. This was definitely a challenge due to my decision to make the video more story-centric, making it harder to come up with lyrics (that aren't TOO painfully cringey). And while I did get a bit better at singing, I still suck at audio editing. But I hope you enjoy the final product regardless.

Music Used:    • Pizza Tower OST - Bye Bye There! (The...  
Video Used:    • The Crumbling Tower Of Pizza P Rank (...  

Pizza Tower, Peppino, P Rank, Bye Bye There!, With Lyrics, Crumbling Tower of Pizza, Indie Game, Escape Theme, Music


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