Ansys Fluent Native GPU Solver Capabilities

Описание к видео Ansys Fluent Native GPU Solver Capabilities

Rand Simulation presented an overview of Ansys Fluent GPU (graphics processing unit) solver capabilities on Wednesday, August 16. We covered a range of simulations -- from internal and external aerodynamics, to subsonic and low supersonic -- providing a fair assessment of the newly added Fluent native GPU solver.

The end goal is to better understand how the native GPU solver performs in real world applications, when it makes sense to use it, and what are the potential benefits.

Using real world applications, we will learn:

The benefits and limitations of Ansys Fluent Native GPU solver

About simulation time and hardware cost difference between Native GPU and CPU solves

The impact of the Native GPU technology in the industries that are adopting it

What the GPU solver can do for you and the steps involved to make it happen

#gpu #nvidia #engineering


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