V60 Brewing Guide + Simple Coffee Extraction Principle

Описание к видео V60 Brewing Guide + Simple Coffee Extraction Principle

Hello! I'll show you how I brew v60.
I’ll guide you step-by-step through making a perfectly balanced cup of coffee and share my principle of even extraction.

Tips for Brewing Success:
Even extraction is the holy grail of extraction.

Extraction goes up when:
Higher water-to-coffee ratio: More water means more chances to pull solubles out of the coffee, but too much water can weaken the coffee.
A finer grind setting creates more surface area for water to interact with, but if it’s too fine, it slows water flow and makes extraction uneven.
Higher brew temperature: Hotter water extracts more solubles, and there’s no significant downside to even extraction. However, for dark roasts, I use slightly lower temperatures (90–94°C) to avoid pulling too much bitterness(there are a lot of them in darker roasts!).
Longer brew time: More time allows for more extraction, but the return on investment diminishes after a few minutes. Waiting longer will not make much difference.

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