Описание к видео STRIATED MUSCLE

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7 Active Technology Solutions Pvt.Ltd. is an educational 3D digital content provider for K-12. We also customise the content as per your requirement for companies platform providers colleges etc . 7 Active driving force "The Joy of Happy Learning" -- is what makes difference from other digital content providers. We consider Student needs, Lecturer needs and College needs in designing the 3D & 2D Animated Video Lectures. We are carrying a huge 3D Digital Library ready to use.

Types of Movement:Striated muscle:This is also called skeletal muscle as it is attached to the bones by tendons in the skeleton and is responsible for the movements. Movements of these muscles are under our control. If we want, we can move our hands or legs -- hence, these muscles are also called voluntary muscles.Each muscle has several long, thin and unbranched fibres like cells. Each cell is as long as the muscle. These are several thin lines or striations across the muscle. Hence the name striated muscle. They are involved in locomotion and changes of body postures.Muscle contraction also produces heat. When the body is exposed to cold -- we shiver, during shivering; muscles contract and relax rapidly producing large amount of heat. This keeps the body warm.


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