How to Use D-Fense Dust: Product Review

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In this video, we will review D-Fense Dust. We'll go over how it works, how to use, where and when to apply, drawbacks and the different considerations before choosing this product.

Most active infestations cannot be controlled through the use of one product. We have come up with treatment methods that we guarantee 100% to work.

Click this link to check out our pest control kits!

Want to skip ahead?

What is it? What is it used for? 0:33
Product drawbacks: 0:54
Getting started: 1:48
How to use: 2:07
What to expect: 2:40


D-Fense Dust is a .05% Deltamethrin insecticidal dust. This product is a pyrethroid that works by interfering with the insect’s nervous system.

D-Fense controls many different species of insects, but we typically recommend it for use in cracks and crevices to control ants, cockroaches, and bedbugs.

Apply D-Fense Dust indoors in cracks and crevices. Try to get an even coating when applying, to create a strong barrier that the insects cannot avoid. Apply in attics, under appliances, and in any other cracks or voids that insects may frequent.

You can also apply D-fense dust in certain outdoor areas like weep holes, vents, or where plumbing or electric penetrate the walls.

Learn more about D-Fense Dust and how to get rid of crawling pests on our website!

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