Episode 23 - Scott Hartley - And Then in February of 2021, I Suddenly Got Let Go...

Описание к видео Episode 23 - Scott Hartley - And Then in February of 2021, I Suddenly Got Let Go...

This episode: Every entrepreneur and really every person in life, knows life is never a straight line from point A to point B. It's always something new gets thrown into our path, a challenge, some obstacle, that we have to overcome. Scott had his own business and kept going back to working for others and part of him still had the bug of hey, I really want to be my own boss, run my own business. Finally, he got fired from the last position that he'd taken locally. And that was a sink or swim moment for him with his computer business.


To learn more about Scott, go to LinkedIn at   / scottahartley   or you can go to Scott’s website at http://www.masterplan4success.com/.

Scott Hartley Bio: Serial entrepreneur and founder of MasterPlan4Success, Scott Hartley built his first company into a multi-six-figure-a-year business from scratch. 

Taking his knowledge and experience, in 2017, Scott decided to help other small business owners by helping them with marketing strategies, systems, and automation and - in particular, optimizing their email deliverability to maximize their profits.  He recently published a short, strategy-packed book on this topic titled Hit The Inbox: How To Avoid The Spam Folder & Grow Your Business With Email Marketing.

He has helped a wide variety of clients, including attorneys, IT consultants, financial advisors, psychologists, community organizations and even bakers, and many others to make more money and win and keep more customers. 

Scott has shared the virtual stage with experts like Grant Cardone, Loral Langemeier, Kim Walsh Phillips, David Milton, and many more.


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