PaulFest - Lew Rockwell: Best-selling libertarian author - Sat August 25th, 2012

Описание к видео PaulFest - Lew Rockwell: Best-selling libertarian author - Sat August 25th, 2012

Lew Rockwell, best-selling libertarian author, spoke at the P. A. U. L. Festival at Florida State Fairgrounds in Tampa Saturday, August 25th, 2012, with an introduction by Thomas Woods, historian, economist, political analyst and founder of Liberty Classroom.
Lew Rockwell: Best-selling author, former Chief of Staff to Congressman Ron Paul and founder of the well known libertarian website

This video is "7a" in a series, from the second day of a total of 12 hours of video footage shot at PaulFest. See the entire collection of videos here    / ronpaul2012pasco  

Next video: Walter Block: Economist, author and Senior Faculty at the Ludwig von Mises Institute
   • PaulFest - Walter Block: Economist, A...  


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