Released in 1986, Dream Collector (夢の収集家) stands as Phantasia's longest and most ambitious project, with a runtime of one hour. By this time, the band had firmly established themselves in the jazz fusion scene, and this album marked a peak in their popularity.
Dream Collector also revisits their roots, featuring modal and experimental jazz compositions that echo the spirit of their earlier trio formation. Driven by hypnotic basslines and steady drum grooves, these pieces create a trance-like foundation, while progressive layers of improvisation from horns, keys, and guitars weave emotional and dynamic textures.
Fun Fact:
Infinity Voyage, Beneath the Fabric, Ancient Language and Source of Fire were composed exclusively by the band's founding members. Source of Fire, in turn, serves as a tribute to Ryo Kobayashi's (小林 涼) contributions during the band's early years, reflected in its more Afro-inspired rhythm.
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Track List:
00:00 - Golden Wings (黄金の翼)
06:02 - Memory Leaks (記憶の漏れ)
10:01 - Infinity Voyage (無限の旅路)
13:42 - Electric Eden (電の楽園)
18:17 - Stellar Lens (星の鏡)
20:21 - Beneath the Fabric (布の下に)
23:24 - Dreamers Bond (夢見る者の絆)
26:30 - Luminescent Hearts (輝く心)
29:25 - Celestial Embrace (天空の抱擁)
32:44 - The Silent Harvest (静かな収穫)
38:34 - Ancient Language (古の言霊)
42:52 - Source of Fire (炎の源泉)
47:00 - Kaleido Funk (彩りの躍動)
55:05 - Dream Collector (十二宮音録)
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Guitar: Takashi Yamada (山田 隆司)
Bass: Hiroshi Nakamura (中村 博)
Drums: Shun Tanaka (田中 俊)
Piano/Keyboards: Keiko Arai (新井 恵子)
Saxophone & Artwork: Akira Matsuda (松田 亮)
Produced by Zodiac Records (十二宮音盤).
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This album draws inspiration from Casiopea, Gene Harris, Jun Fukamachi and Ryo Kawasaki.
This project is a tribute to the golden age of Japanese jazz fusion. The use of specific album titles and release years reflects our choice to present this as an immersive narrative. By anchoring each album in a particular time, we aim to create a full discography that depicts the evolution of the band’s sound from the ’70s to the late ’90s, much like how ARGs or mockumentaries build their worlds. For us, it’s about creating an atmosphere and telling a story.
The channel is run by musicians and partially uses AI in the creation process. Most tracks are based on human made musical inputs, with AI tools enhancing the final style. Fully AI generated tracks are rare, as current models often lack the ability to generate grooves, progressions, and dynamics that meet the standards of this project.
Phantasia wouldn’t exist without the trailblazing work of artists like Azymuth, Caldera, Casiopea, Cortex, Yellow Magic Orchestra, Komuchiwa, Kraftwerk, Naniwa Express, Sunbear, T-Square, Gene Harris, George Duke, George Semper, Giorgio Moroder, Herbie Hancock, Hiroshi Sato, Jiro Inagaki, Jun Fukamachi, Masayoshi Takanaka, Ryo Kawasaki, Shigeru Suzuki and Walter Wanderley.
Thank you for joining us on this journey.
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All tracks and images are the property of PhantasiaRecords.
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