Easy flower kolam designs with 9 dots || muggulu designs with dots || आसान रंगोली डिजाइन

Описание к видео Easy flower kolam designs with 9 dots || muggulu designs with dots || आसान रंगोली डिजाइन

Easy flower kolam designs with 9 dots || muggulu designs with dots || आसान रंगोली डिजाइन

9 చుక్కలతో సులువు పూల కోలం నమూనాలు || చుక్కలతో ముగులు నమూనాలు || సులభమైన రంగోలి నమూనాలు

9 புள்ளிகளுடன் எளிதான மலர் கோலம் வடிவமைப்புகள் || புள்ளிகளுடன் muggulu வடிவமைப்புகள் || எளிதான ரங்கோலி வடிவமைப்புகள்

எளிதான புல்லி கோலம்
easy kolam designs
simple rangoli designs
9 dots muggulu
9 chukkala muggulu
9 dots rangoli designs
Rangoli is an artistic creation with rice flour that is made outside the front entrance of the house
It is usually done by the women folk of the house early in the morning every day
During diwali, hindus draw bright rangoli patterns on the floor by the front door to encorage the goddess lakshmi to enter their homes .
Rangoli is an art from,originating in the indian subcontinent, in which patterns are created on floor in living rooms or courtyards using materials such as colored rice,dry flour, flowers ,diyas ... the purpose of rangoli is decoration,and it is thought to bring good luck
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