HIKING AND BACKPACKING FOR BEGINNERS - Essential Hiking Tips and Advice. Trev from Summit or Nothing gives his advice for any first time hiking newbies out there in this short instructional video, Hiking For Beginners, Hiking Tips, and Essential Hiking Gear. Anyone can be a hiker, as long as you have fantastic places to visit or great hiking trails near you and perfectly good set of legs, then
With so many Hiking tutorials out there, and with everyone having different recommendations of what hiking equipment you must take with you, it can get confusing, and worst still, it can seem overwhelming and expensive.
But it doesn't need to be. With a decent pair of hiking boots and a reasonably priced hiking backpack, anyone can go hiking. Whether you're hiking in the UK, or hiking overseas, you only really need the essentials. It also seems to me that many people forget the main purpose of hiking, it's not all about having the best lightweight gear, or competing with the most expensive hiking gear, the purpose of hiking is to get out and enjoy the scenery. The fact that it's a great way to keep fit is also a bonus.
Here, Trev gives a look in his hiking backpack, and gives some of his own hiking advice, mainly that you can go hiking for cheap as long as you have the essential hiking kit.
It's free to walk, and as long as you plan ahead and have a good idea of how long you are going out for and what the conditions may be, then you can plan ahead of what extra items you may need.
Trev likes to go out on a day hike with his hiking backpack, an OS map or hiking guidebook, some waterproof clothes, and extra layers, a hiker's first aid kit, some food and drink, and a pair of hiking boots.
So whether your hiking for the challenge, hiking for fun or hiking for health, just get out there and have a go is the best hiking advice we can give you.
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Hiking has been a fantastic way for me to get out and get some exercise. If you're one of those people who like me wants to get fit but doesn't want to go to a gym, or wants to get fit but doesn't like or doesn't have time for daily exercise, then hiking and mountain hiking is a cheap form of exercise and a really easy way to get fit and healthy. And you can do it in you own time and you get to see some amazing views too. For me, Hiking is the best way to get healthy fast, and get fit for cheap, and to be honest its a fun way to get fit and healthy too.
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