“Thought Patterns of the Sentient Mind” Original Music (Composition)

Описание к видео “Thought Patterns of the Sentient Mind” Original Music (Composition)

This is a piece of music based originally off of my track “Sentience Duo”. I can easily correspond most of the elements included, with that of an overstimulated mind. The common individual of this class is the schizophrenic, who experiences manifestations of their own consciousness that originate from deep within.

In thinking about our experience, allow the media to put yourself in a suggestive state. Do not filter the music through “that sounded like a wrong note”, but instead imagine it is the background theme music for your own experience, or a part of someone else’s life.

I made the audio using GarageBand for the IOS IPhone, as well as used other free apps that can be acquired through the App Store on the phone.

“Music is more than just a compilation of randomness compiled into a format that sounds pleasing to the audience.” Take advantage of the opportunity to experience the music through a different filter than normal.

Emotions, feelings, Thought Patterns, etc. can all be suggested through the instrumentation, as well as patterns in the audio.

One common way of thinking, to begin an approach towards new ways of experiencing music, is to focus on specific questions, be mindful during the experience, and allow yourself to free think in a form of stream of consciousness connected internally, with active awareness, of the external universe.

Feel free to message me if you have any questions, or would like to do any business, or work with me.

Also feel free to add me on Twitter. SingularlyHuman.

Anthony “Tony” Richardson
[email protected]
SingularlyHuman (Twitter)


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