3 Coping With Dog Loss: Dealing With Feelings Of Guilt

Описание к видео 3 Coping With Dog Loss: Dealing With Feelings Of Guilt

Peggy Haymes is back with us for a FB Live discussion on Coping with Dog Loss. Today's topic is learning how to cope with guilt. We're so glad you're here.

We recently created a Guide To Surviving Dog Loss - a 6-part email series that includes ebooks, videos and grief support to assist in your journey. The collection is completely free and it will gently guide you through this grief.

Here is the link to sign up: https://houndhuggerdiy.com/dog-loss

You're welcome to give it a try to see what it's all about. Again, there's nothing to purchase to access the guide, we just want to give back to our dog loving community - and would be honored if what we created helps you in your journey of healing. Hugs.

Also to keep informed on all things We Heart Hounds, you can join our email list here https://houndhuggerdiy.com/mailing-list 💌 We'd love for you to sign up! It's the best way to find out when Peggy's new FREE BOOK is available.


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