揭开普京屹立不倒之谜 Unravelling the mystery of Putin's longevity | 世界大解说

Описание к видео 揭开普京屹立不倒之谜 Unravelling the mystery of Putin's longevity | 世界大解说




本期《世界大解说》,聚焦21世纪俄国政治强人普京的政治手腕。 https://zb.sg/FktT

“Russia’s tough guy” Vladimir Putin won 87.28% of the vote in Russia's presidential election that ended on March 17, setting a record for the highest vote tally since the collapse of the Soviet Union.

This victory has granted Putin a fifth term in office, and also means that he could become Russia’s longest-serving leader in over 200 years.

With Russia fresh out of a terrorist attack and still at war with Ukraine, why do Russians have such high trust and support for Putin, who brought them into the fray? What's the secret to Putin's longevity in Russia’s political scene?

This episode of “The World Explained” focuses on the political manoeuvring of Putin, the strongman of Russian politics in the 21st century.

00:00 揭开普京屹立不倒之谜
Unravelling the mystery of Putin's longevity
00:48 获近九成选票 再赢得六年任期
Putin secures fifth president term with nearly 90% of votes
03:25 普京对政敌向来毫不手软
Putin has always been merciless towards political rivals
06:25 全俄特工力保普京政权
All Russian agents strive to protect Putin's regime
11:36 瓦格纳风波显示普京并非安如泰山
Wagner episode shows Putin’s power not as stable as it seems
13:43 俄罗斯在后普京时代会陷入内乱?
Will Russia descend into civil unrest in the post-Putin era?

#俄罗斯 #普京 #纳瓦尔尼 #俄罗斯总统选举

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