Massive Planetside 2 Battle! 1080p Ultra (GTX 690!) (i7-3930k)

Описание к видео Massive Planetside 2 Battle! 1080p Ultra (GTX 690!) (i7-3930k)

Just showing off the scale of planetside 2. If you like what you seen hear its free to play and you can download it from steam.

I play on connery server which is US west coast.

Here is a link to user MonsterFish's channel for doing a gtx 770 comparison with me:

My pc specs:

Windows Version: Microsoft Windows 8 (build 9200), 64-bit

Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-3930K CPU @ 3.20GHz

Graphics Card: GeForce GTX 690

Total RAM: 15.9 GB 1600mhz


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